Kenichiro Koyama – Creative Produce Office

Kenichiro Koyama

Creative Producer Office

We Keep Our Promise to our consumers
by continuing to develop and renew
the best brands and fulfill our social role.

We walk, weaving between numbers, culture, markets, history, and the future,
finding a ray of light, drawing a map to our destination, and creating a path.
Sometimes we correct the path, sometimes we re-create it, and sometimes
we detour to create a new path and walk along it.
The experience and value gained along the path that we have created and
walked over an enormous amount of time to reach our destination
is what our brand is all about.


What are known as marketing and design skills, which are easily acquired in the information society, are part of basic technology used on a limited basis on the road to a destination and do not directly create innovative brands. History tells us that innovative brands have walked the innovative path.
Can you continue to create a path no matter how difficult it is?
Will you continue to walk the path of faith, no matter how thorny it may be?
Do you have the passion to break through even the highest and most formidable barriers? Naturally, we are prepared to support youon the path to creating an innovative brand and guide you to your destination.

Kenichiro Koyama
creative producer
Kenichiro Koyama
圧倒的アイデア力と企画実行力で企業とサービスを成長させるプロフェッショナル。「どんな時代も創造する力が未来を創ってきた」を信念に、これまで数十社のスタートアップや問題解決に携わってきた。理念、ビジョン、数字、現状の課題、様々な情報を元に無数に出てくるクリエイティブアイディアはジャンル問わず建築や不動産、アパレル、飲食、ホテル事業まで手掛けてきた。自身いわく「幅広い分野に対応できるのは、どの業界にも共通したクリエイティブ思考があるから」と言う。それは年間300件以上ものデザイン・クリエイティブワークを行いながら5社の最高経営責任者を務めているからこその見解。常に本質を突きつめ最良の結果へと導く独自のクリエイティビティには定評があり、目に見えない数字を喚起させることで信頼を築いてきた。今後もクリエイター兼 最高経営責任者として「地球環境と社会の為に役立ちたい」と話す。

Ready to map out the future of
your brand, digital product,
or service?

Let's start moving
  • Head Office
    1429 Azahentona, Kunigamison, Kunigamigun,
    Okinawa, Yanbaru Hostel 1F
  • New York Office
    228 East 45th st. #1802 New York, NY 10017
  • Tokyo Office
    1-5-9 Minami Azabu, Minatoku, Tokyo,
    Only One Azabu Building 2F
  • Takayama Office
    4-6 Hanasatocho, Takayama City, Gifu,
    Marunaka Building 1F